It is estimated that disability affects the lives of more than 600 million people globally; the majority living in developing countries. Some estimates suggest that roughly 15 to 20 percent of poor in developing countries are disabled. Their numbers are rising due to conflict, malnutrition, accidents, violence, communicable and non-communicable diseases including HIV/AIDS, ageing and natural disasters. Disabled people are often subject t stigmatization, excluded from school or the workplace, and often end up depending on others in the family and community for physical, social and economic support.
In addition to being vulnerable to exclusion, “disabled people are disproportionately poor, and poor people are disproportionately disabled.” World Bank studies have revealed that households with disabled head are 38 percent more likely to be poor than households headed by a person without a disability (Hoogeven 2003).
Research conducted in India indicates that people with a disability were more likely to be poor with fewer household assets and incurring greater debts (Harris-White, 1996). World Bank, Disability and Development Website
Centre for Empowerment of the Disabled (CED) is therefore setup as a concept to support the disabled people and is directly concern with community empowerment.
The Centre seeks to be affiliated to other non-governmental associations both within and outside Nigeria whose aims and objectives are in line with what the Centre stands for.